Director of Melrose International, Madonna Melrose, has experienced first-hand most facets of the business world throughout her career. It is this expertise, coupled with her highly qualified team, that brings a sharpened edge to her approach to business and the government grant space.
Beginning her career over 35 years ago in the beauty industry, Madonna has honed her business acumen and skills with experience in importation, distribution, wholesaling and retailing of some of the finest and most boutique products from around the world. She has also owned three successful retail stores across Melbourne and at one stage developed her own skincare and makeup range.
The lessons learnt and problems solved through these business channels were invaluable and it is this knowledge that she can now share with her clients and apply to their business projects and expansion. Her distinct experience puts her well ahead of any competitors.
More recently Madonna has been a published freelance writer for both trade and consumer magazines in the role of eNews and Online Editor for Spa Australasia (now Spa+Clinic) and Beauty Editor for Living Now Magazine along with contributing numerous stories, articles and product reviews for various fashion and beauty publications.
Madonna’s tremendously diverse capabilities will serve you best as she knows what to look for in all areas of your business in order to maximise your opportunities when approaching the grant space.
Melrose International’s direct exposure to government bodies at all times and the alignment with key people of influence,elevates her and her team to the forefront of government changes and policies that effect the grant landscape.